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About Me

Emma Wong - ABA Program Supervisor

Emma had been graduated with an honoured degree in BSC (hon) psychology in the University of Sunderland, the UK since 2009. which she also holds a master degree in Sociology in criminology and Master degree of Psychological medicine in the University of Hong Kong. She has entered the field of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) for 6 years. She has undergone sophisticated intensive training regarding ABA therapy, specific-needed children’s developmental problems and programming learning goals for children in needed. Under these 6 years, as being a senior behaviour therapist, she is experienced in conducting one-on-one therapies, school shadowing, social group and conducting school workshops. She is also responsible for training therapists and evaluating students’ learning goals and designing students’ curriculums.

黃海若 - ABA 課程總監

黃海若於2009 年英國新特蘭大學榮譽心理學學士畢業。並於香港大學獲得社會犯罪學碩士及精神學碩士學位。畢業後她於國際行為治療構構從事資深行為治療師,擁有六年以上行為治療教學經驗。為不同的個案提供單對單訓練,社交小組及影子老師服務。她亦負責管理不同個案,設計個案課程。她致力於將行為分析治療普及化,培訓行為治療師,及於學校擔任以自閉症為題的演講者。